For Physicians

For Physicians

For oncologists caring for patients who have exhausted standard therapies, First Ascent provides all the data and analysis needed to help select the right combination of FDA-approved agents that best target the patient’s cancer.

For oncologists caring for patients who have exhausted standard therapies, First Ascent provides all the data and analysis needed to help select the right combination of FDA-approved agents that best target the patient’s cancer.

We are currently involved in two clinical studies NTC05857969 NCT06024603. Our mission is to make this platform accessible outside of a clinical trial by Q3 2024. Giving those with the rarest cancers a fighting chance. A treatment plan for every type of cancer, including all solid and all liquid tumors.

First Ascent partners with referring oncologists to identify accessible, affordable combination or mono-therapy treatment options with FDA-approved drugs. Our approach pinpoints each cancer’s vulnerabilities and broadens the scope of treatments possible for the patient.

We have done more validation studies with major cancer centers than competitors. These indicate…

  • a 13.5-fold median improvement in progression-free survival for refractory, recurrent cancers;
  • treatment plans that significantly extend life (over 80% of the time for ours vs <10% for our competition).

First Ascent partners with referring oncologists to identify accessible, affordable combination or mono-therapy treatment options with FDA-approved drugs. Our approach pinpoints each cancer’s vulnerabilities and broadens the scope of treatments possible for the patient.

We have done more validation studies with major cancer centers than competitors. These indicate…

  • a 13.5-fold median improvement in progression-free survival for refractory, recurrent cancers;
  • treatment plans that significantly extend life (over 80% of the time for ours vs <10% for our competition).

First Ascent partners with referring oncologists to identify accessible, affordable combination or mono-therapy treatment options with FDA-approved drugs. Our approach pinpoints each cancer’s vulnerabilities and broadens the scope of treatments possible for the patient.

We have done more validation studies with major cancer centers than competitors. These indicate…

  • a 13.5-fold median improvement in progression-free survival for refractory, recurrent cancers;
  • treatment plans that significantly extend life (over 80% of the time for ours vs <10% for our competition).

Literature & Trials

AI/ML Individualization

Open Trials

Ex Vivo Drug Response Identification & Validation Engine – xDRIVE Platform Workflow

First Ascent Biomedical Dug Prediction Platform Workflow

Make Evidence-Based Decisions

Treatment Plan Reports provide you with actionable recommendations for your patient.

Deep functional and genomic rationale accompanies each recommendation, with  all the supporting data, combined in an intuitive flow, to enable quick assessment.

Learn More, Refer A Patient

First Ascent can arrange a presentation on our Drug Prediction Platform and clinical results.

We are happy to work with an oncologist on a specific patient referral.

Learn More, Refer A Patient

First Ascent can arrange a presentation on our Drug Prediction Platform and clinical results.

We are happy to work with an oncologist on a specific patient referral.

Learn More, Refer A Patient

First Ascent can arrange a presentation on our Drug Prediction Platform and clinical results.

We are happy to work with an oncologist on a specific patient referral.

Physician FAQs

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Publication and Pharma Partners